
Saturday, January 26, 2013

iPhone cases

Follow Yeux De Princesses
I told you that I got an iPhone for my birthday, but the funniest thing is to find the perfect case :) I ordered some online (here) and I think they are really cute, the bunny was a gift from my brother. Even though my parents think of them as 'childish'? But really, who doesn't like a childish thing now and then?

XXX Emma


Josephine said...

Die zijn allemaal heel leuk!

Unknown said...

Love the earrings and sweater with print! Just a tip, on bloggerdashboard, when you guys make a new post I can only see the + icon from bloglovin. Usually its the first pic of the post. Didn't now if that was on purpose but I thought you should know :)


S. said...

leeuk ;D