
Saturday, March 31, 2012

The pom-pom

I'm really into pom-poms (as I like to call them, instead of the stupid: 'tassels'), the fluffy things that you often find-and especially this summer-in bright neon or pastels. I spotted a lot of them, on jewellery or accessories. 

source: jousjous

source: urbanoutfitters

Source: msaprilfish

source: latitude

You can still participate to our easy shopmoney giveaway
PS:I'm working on a special edition (together with school) of 'de streekkrant' (region Kortrijk), and one of my posts is about blogging! If you live in Belgium, be sure to check it out!
PPS: With next week's holiday, Marie and I are both leaving... You'll have to miss us a few days, but we might have some concepts and plan them for you :)
PPPS: Finally done with the new lay-out! The former one was just a short time solution!

Emma :)
Follow Yeux De Princesses

1 comment:

Eline said...

die tassels zijn echt zo leuk! Ik weet niet waarom, maar het doet me altijd aan zomer denken. :)